
Sunday, May 24, 2020

Just a quickie

David and I have been getting some massive thunderstorms every night since Friday and we will be having them for the next few days. It has knocked out not only the power the first night but our internet three times now. It takes hours for them to get it back up. Not only that but I woke up feeling really bad. The lupus is doing this. it makes my shoulders and arms hurt. I feel like I have the flu with so much body aches. Hoping it goes away soon. I'm going to have to stay up even though I want so much to go back to sleep. We are having yet another thunderstorm, a bad one, and Lucy is scared shitless so I have to stay up and comfort her.
Y'all have a magical day.


  1. That sucks big time! I hope everything, inside and outside, calms down soon and gets back to normal.

  2. good to hear from you. fuck the thunderstorms!

  3. I hate storms, absolutely hate them, we had a tornado in 2013 so now I hate them even more. We had a beautiful sunny week, this week apparently we have to be punished for that and so some wicked storms could be on their way.

  4. The storms must be wearing themselves out in your part of TX - we're just getting rain and overcast skies currently. I hope you feel better soon - positive thoughts!

  5. we got just under 2" between Saturday night and last night. lots of lightning and thunder Sat night but last night just lightning, very little thunder, and rain. and yeah, no one was getting any sleep with the panicked little dog. there is no comforting her and she wants to sit above my head and pant in my face.

  6. I hope things settle down for you soon ~
    Stay safe ~

  7. We lost power 3 times in one week recently too. Really sucks. And, then it usual tears something up 1/2 the time we lose power.

    Hope you feel better.
