
Saturday, May 30, 2020

Saturday's Science Lesson


  1. Here in Australia, we had people or companies going around to senior people on limited incomes and I think even families on limited incomes, to check their electricity usage and offering to exchange to old light bulbs for the new LED type. It was optional, you didn't have to change if you didn't want to, but this was a FREE exchange offering so why wouldn't we? When they knocked on my door, I had already changed to LED, I have only three main rooms so I changed one room at a time. I never liked those 'swirly' types because after a few months usage, they started taking too long to warm up and actually shed some light.

  2. I didn't watch the video but hopefully it mentioned the curly lights have mercy and oh yes... they tend to blow up and catch fire. I heard that rumor but didn't believe it, until one day one blew up in my barn and started smoking, the plastic base started to burn, I quickly shut off the power. If I wasn't there it would have been a disaster.
