
Monday, June 22, 2020

Monday . . . yea team

It's time I got out of this funk with Spunky passing away and all. So, I'm back. While I was out of commission, a few things happened at home. David was able to find us a different online prescription drug outlet to take care of our 90-day prescriptions with our doctors. We do have a drug store that we go to for all our needs here in town but we go to the online drugstores for the 90-day pill orders which are so much cheaper for us. Anywho that's taken care of.
Last week I signed up for Social security online. It's so easy to do too. Now I wait for confirmation or if I have to go to the office to talk about something. We also decided to drop Cobra Care that he was offered through his workplace for me. It's too fucking expensive. For just five months, it would cost us close to $16,ooo. Yeah, fuck you very much, and the bad thing is that we may not use it at all. So for the next four months, I have to be careful. It's like this happening to me.
So until October when my Medicare kicks in I have to be careful.
Yesterday, I saw an absolute treasure on our PBS channel which is KLRN in my little part of Texas. They showed Ann. It's a one-woman play with Holland Taylor as Texas Gov. Ann Richards (1990-1994). I swear Taylor channeled Ann Richards on that stage. She had every nuance, her accent, the way she would walk around her office with her shoes off. It was as if Gov. Richards was alive again. It was a wonderful performance and I really want to see it again. I may have to buy the DVD for that. But if any of you get a chance to see it, do it. It's worth your time.
Well, I have laundry to finish and other things to take care of. So all y'all stay safe and have a magical day.


  1. I'll need to do my SS soon, but not eligible for medicare yet.

  2. Oh, nuts! I forgot to watch that PBS performance! But I'm sure PBS will run it again sometime.

    Yes, be vewy, vewy careful until October!

  3. Hello dear Texas girl - I'm sorry to hear about your beloved Spunky. Another online friend has just lost her horse. One of the best things I read in the wake of this, as she reached out for help, is that you have to allow yourself to stay in that awful emotional space for a bit. In other words, you gotta feel it to heal it. I too have lost animals I loved and I feel for you. I wish you the best in your journey forward.

  4. glad you're back. be VERY careful for the next 4 months.

    I went on medicare last september. I now get the 3 pills I take daily for FREE! so far medicare's been OK; just a few MD visits, no hospitals.

    how is lucy doing without spunky around?

  5. so glad you are eligible for Medicare. I never had insurance until then. Between it and my AARP United Healthcare supplement, my ablation only cost $200 and zero for the four days in the hospital because I wasn't admitted as a patient, only for observation for side effects of the drug they were starting me on.

  6. I'm going to day just hearing about so sorry..

    ann was a miracle to us Texans..I have to watch it..I thought I had but im brain dead..need to watch the show about Molly..she's wonderful.

  7. Keep on keeping on. We are thinking about you.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  8. October isn't so very far away, just wrap yourself in a sumo suit and take care. In my country, babies are added to Medicare from birth, we're covered until we die. Private health insurance is an option, some have it, some don't, but we all have Medicare.

  9. You can watch Ann on the Great Performances website. Try this link:

  10. Glad to have you back. I'll have to look for 'Ann' on the PBS station. I like having Medicare - gives me a secure feeling. Think healthy thoughts!!
