
Sunday, June 7, 2020

Religion in a Nutshell


  1. That's absolutely right. Free thought is the enemy of religion.

  2. religion wants you to be stupid so that it can control you. FUCK DAT SHIT! THINK FOR YOURSELF!

  3. The two signs on the left, in particular, are more accurate and more revealing then their creators could have realized.

  4. Let's not talk about how long ago, I took a Medieval Art Class. One of my fellow students got all upset because all the instructor talked about were Catholic Cathedrals and left out the Baptist Churches. The Instructor got all flustered, so I got the fun chore of explaining the Reformation to her.

  5. one of my daughters loves the part where God gives man free will to do as he pleases, then when man does exactly that God punishes everyone with a 40 day flood.

  6. they absolutely do. they want us to believe what they tell us to believe. but yeah, that whole tree of knowledge thing. what an ass that god is.
