
Sunday, September 27, 2020

Religion in a Nutshell



  1. there's a woman here in this town, a right wing tea partier, who thinks property taxes are usury. she's well off enough that she probably sent her kids to private school though they are grown now so fuck everybody else who depend on the public school system. she commented recently on a FB post, the one of the nun saying pro-life people weren't pro-life unless they were willing to make sure these babies were fed and taken care of otherwise you were just pro-birth. anyway, this woman commented that that was the job of churches not the government, she trusts the Lord's wisdom over mans and doesn't believe there is scriptural support for the government using tax money to feed the poor. thinks everyone in a civil society organized in a biblical framework will be better off. this stupid bitch thinks herself a good christian, thinks she knows the mind of god, and that god doesn't want our taxes used to feed the hungry.

    she is a prime example of why I think religion is evil.

  2. Empathy and big religions don't always go hand in hand do they?

  3. i miss you and hope you are better soon.

  4. Just stopping by to check on you and say hello. I hope you are doing well and feeling better. Wishing you all the best! Stay Safe!

  5. Here's to things getting better and smoother for you. I also wish you all the best.
