
Thursday, September 3, 2020

September is Here

Sorry for the late posting but I had a hard time getting motivated this morning. The weather has made it hard on my hands, back, oh hell, my whole fucking body is rebelling against me this week. I can't sleep most of the time and when I do get some sleep I can't get out of bed. Betty Davis was right. Old age is not for sissies. 

Well, it's finally September. Autumn is beginning. The pecans are falling and hitting the roof everytime the squirrels try to take them. Oh, and it's the time of the year that we are supposed to start seeing zombies.

Yes! It's true. The vaccine trials for COVID-19 have begun and it means the zombie apocalypse isn't far behind. I'm all agitty about it too. So is David. Next month is supposed to be Godzilla hits New York city. I can't wait to see what he does to trump tower. Fun times.

Right now, David is renovating the closet doors in the TV room. He took out the 2000 lb sliding mirror doors on the closet and is putting up a set of nice white louvered bi-fold doors. The only problem is that it's taking a painfully hard time for him to put the doors up. This house is not level, meaning they didn't have the cool toys that builders have today to make sure the corners are squared. So he had to take out a portion of the top of the doorway of the closet to make it squared up good and proper. We will have to wait until Saturday to put the doors in because he will have to sand down the plaster and then paint so it will be a few more days before he's done.

While he was waiting for the plaster to dry so he can paint, I spied my old camera bag in one of the plastic bins on the closet shelf. It has my old Canon EOS Rebel 2000 with telephoto lenses and everything. I couldn't find that bag and it was in the closet all this time. I started to work nights and stopped taking pictures because I had more important shit to do. It's still in pristine condition. David said he will pick up some 35mm 400-speed film for me tomorrow at Walmart. He checked and found out they still sell 35 mm film and there are places that still develop it around town. I'm happy that 35mm film hasn't been completely halted on the market. Seems that there are still people like me that like the old stuff because the quality is better than digital. 
Okay, that's it for me today. I'm going to go lie down for a while, my back is killing me. So, all y'all have a magical day and stay safe.


  1. good to know you are still out there, leanna.

  2. sorry your feeling badly. hope you feel better soon.

  3. I have a 35mm that I really love. I just hate the hassle of getting film developed.

  4. Even in your pain, you are one funny gal. So sorry you have to deal with the terrible aches and pains but glad you still have your sense of humor! ❤

  5. I actually like this time of year. You can it is warm during the days but you can still sleep with the windows open at night.
