
Friday, October 16, 2020

It's Friday Y'all


David and I just got back from voting. It was more crowded than this past week. We were going to vote on Tuesday but the line was out into the street and down the block at our precinct. On Wednesday I had a doctor's appointment and I swung by to see if the lines were shorter. Nope, just as bad as the day before. Yesterday was also bad. So this morning we woke up and decided no matter what, we were going to vote. We arrived three minutes till they opened the doors and stood in a long line out in the street. I ended up sitting on the curb a few times but hey, we voted. I'm hurting but I don't care it's done, I did it.

Yesterday evening around 7:15 we had the cold front come in. It pushed out the heat and the humidity so that this morning it was nice and cool around 63 with a cool breeze so that made it nice to be out. I'm sitting with my heating pad to drive away the pain in my back and the sciatic pain in my right leg. I started a load of laundry when we got home so I have time to dilly dally a while. Lucy is under her blanket getting in her morning beauty nap time. She got up early with us but regretted doing so because she kept yawning. She usually gets up with me at 9am. She doesn't get up with David at 4:30 anymore. Personally, I don't know why he gets up that early either. He has no reason he's retired. Anyhow, when we got home from voting this morning, she was still in the bedroom sleeping. She got up and moved to the couch in the living room and that is where she's stayed. She has gotten so lazy in her old age. 

Well, I'm feeling a bit better now after sitting with the heating pads for a bit. I have laundry to take care of and a house to clean. Y'all have a safe magical day, wear a mask, wash your hands, and go vote if you can.


  1. Dropped my ballot in the ballot box at the County offices yesterday afternoon! Now we wait for the final tally!

  2. 2 more weeks after today and I join the retirees.

  3. our BLUE ballots are back at our county election headquarters, waiting to be counted. we did mail-in cause we cannot stand in lines that long.

  4. Two more votes against the bastard -- good!

  5. Voted! The cool front was nice - while it lasted but it's in the process of getting hot again - ugh.

  6. Thank you for voting in spite of all the burdens you faced.

    The long lines make things harder, but they're a positive sign. The more people vote, the better for us.

  7. We dropped ours in the box and checked on line to make sure they were received. Even if our guy doesn’t win, the Orange Mass Murderer will know we are watching him and his corrupt gang!

  8. I voted this morning. Interestingly, it was easy-peasy. We have new machines that give us a card so we can verify, and we also get to watch the card scan. Another vote against the bastard, plus two votes to get a better legislature (I'm in Kansas; our current legislators are, well, just 'bless their hearts'. I hope they go home and not back to DC.)
