
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

It's Getting Cold And a Little Recipe

Hey everybody! We had a cold front come through here yesterday a little after 2pm. Cold winds came with it. The temperature dropped from 84 degrees to 72 in just 4 minutes. It finally leveled off at 53 around 7pm last night. After the front came through David turned on the furnace to make sure it was in good working order just in case we needed it. That is the one time of the year that I hate because we have to run it with the windows open because the smell is really bad. So we run it for a good 10 minutes to make sure that the smell is fully exhausted and then we set it for 55 and leave it like that all year long. we do have two space heaters that look like the old heat registers but they are on wheels and they have timers. they will run most of the time during the day because the house will stay a comfortable 68 degrees. We know Lucy would be cold because she is low to the ground where it's colder so we have the heater in the living room near to her little pillow bed. She sleeps with us at night and the waterbed is a constant 75 degrees and she has her own blanket so she's warm.

This morning when David got up the temperature was 42 and it hasn't moved. So he said it's time, meaning it's time for our soups. So he asked me what I needed and made the list and braved the sweater cold to go to the grocery store to get everything. While he was gone I peeled and diced potatoes and onions for both the soup bases. I also fried up some skinny sliced bacon and sliced up the leafy tops of celery to add to my soup. I have my soup which is a potato corn chowder, sooooo good and very easy to make. His is a spicy Tex/Mex soup similar to a menudo base but without the hominy and the tripe. He loves it but I end up correcting the spicy flavor of it because he doesn't know how to do it. But it always ends up the way he likes it. So right now both soups are on the stove on a very low slow simmer. Later I'll make my two-ingredient biscuits to go with the soups. 

The recipe for two-ingredient biscuits is basically equal portions of self-rising flour and heavy cream. First, preheat the oven to 400 degrees. If you are making this for just you and a significant other, make this with one cup of self-rising flour and one cup of heavy cream. If you are making biscuits for three or four people make it 2 or 3 cups equal ingredients. When you finish mixing the flour and cream together turn the mixture out onto a floured work surface and knead the mixture for a good 4 to 6 minutes and then roll it out to about a half-inch thickness and use a biscuit cutter or glass, touch the rim into flour so that when you cut the biscuits they don't stick to the glass or cutter. Lay the biscuits in a well-buttered cake pan, iron skillet, or whatever you want to bake them in that has a high side to it. Bake the biscuits for 8 to 12 minutes or until nicely browned on top, not dark brown. Serve hot. Perfect cold day for perfect hot soup and biscuits or is that the other way around. Whatever. 

Y'all have a magical, safe day. Vote and wear a damn mask.


  1. Yum! Nothing like warm biscuits with soup! Enjoy!

  2. 42 degrees? that's 10 degrees colder than we are. damn!

  3. The first furnace turn on. When all the dust gets burned off the heat exchanger. My MIL got a new furnace the other day. It had to burn off the oil coating on the heat exchanger. Talk about a smell. And we've gone back and forth from AC to heat 4 times now.

  4. I've had my (natural gas) heat on for a few weeks now. I h8 being cold, just like lucy. currently 51F here. I read your soups out loud to my spouse; he's drooling.

  5. Damn I love good biscuits. We occasionally buy a roll at he supermarket, but I miss the real homemade biscuits.

    We had snow here yesterday and a major storm predicted for Friday - which, this time of year, means a wet snow with power outages.

    Stay warm
    the Ol'Buzzard

  6. My house is either an oven or a refrigerator. It's a miracle the contractor is still alive, the number of times in a day I curse his name.

    My glasses are frosted over each morning!

    Greetings from California Curmudgeon!

  7. I've made chicken noodle soup, bean soup and cabbage soup..I'm loving it

  8. i'm going to have to try those biscuits. they sound great!
    we might get our first freeze of the season here tomorrow night. i'm ready for the cold, but i don't like running the heat. oh well...
    happy halloween!
    love, kisses & magical wishes

  9. I did a similar thing - made potato soup but had mine with bolillos. Good on a chilly day.
