
Monday, October 12, 2020

It's Monday and Yes, I'm Back

I went beyond the two weeks out. I know, I know. I said I would be out for only a couple of weeks but It couldn't be helped. Hurricane Delta showed up in the Gulf of Mexico and was wreaking havoc with my joints. It happens. I'm sensitive to barometric pressure drops. It makes my joints swell and it hurts like hell. So to let you all know, I'm back even though the weather won't agree to stay nice. I'm going to power through this. 

The past three weeks were really hard on me. David helped out and did what I couldn't do which was a lot. He actually did the laundry and cooked dinner as I dictated how to cook. There were a few times when he did order take-out because I wasn't able to eat because the pain was just too much for me. But he was great in helping me out. I still can't believe he did so much.

Yesterday was David's birthday. His wonderful daughter and her husband took us both out to dinner so we could celebrate not only his but my birthday too. We do it every year. Yes, we wore masks when we entered the restaurant and went to our table. Every table was a respectable 6 feet from each other. And there were partitions between booths. It was really cozy having the separations from others. We had a nice time and a really nice dinner. I haven't been out of the town in so long it was amazing at how things have grown. So many houses being built on what was once farmland. It's sad to see the farms are selling out to builders but when you get too old and it gets hard for you to tend the fields you have to do what is best.

Well, I have a little puppy who wants attention. Lucy is such a needy baby girl. She wants me to go lie down so she can cuddle.

Y'all have a safe and magical day and please wear a mask.


  1. glad you are back! thanks to nurses david and lucy for helping you through. we are getting the remnants of delta today - cold and rainy.

  2. It's good to see you, and I hope your comfort level improves quickly.

  3. I'm glad you were able to go out for a nice dinner to celebrate both your birthdays! Lovely!

  4. A belated happy birthday to you and to David!
    I am so sorry you have to deal with so much pain ... I can't even imagine! Thank goodness for whatever relief you finally get and for a caring hubby and good friends!

  5. Glad you're back. Hopefully the weather with smooth out some and bother you less. Eating out in a restaurant. I haven't gotten quite that brave yet but I am really tired of (1) cooking and (2) take-out.

  6. glad you're back and sorry you have been in so much pain..and glad you had a nice evening out for your birthday. me..have a question.

  7. so glad to see you back. and how nice that you got to go out.
