
Monday, October 19, 2020

It's Monday


I'm hurting a bit this morning, more like my pain level being at 7 bordering on 9 because there is a cold front sitting practically on our doorstep trying to antagonize me. It's succeeding not only by making my life a painful living hell but it's pissing me off because it's going to stay there a while before it moves back up again. The weather guys say it will be just above us for most of the day and then move out because the gulf coast winds will push it away. So that means sticky humid weather. But then another cold front will move into the area sometime around Thursday. Just lovely. But that is why I hate autumn and winter and spring. The fronts are always on the move during this time.

Yesterday, was a good day. I took three pain killers and made beef stew for dinner. It's been a while and David loves my stew. Let's face it, he loves anything I make for dinner. I was going to bake a chicken and rice dish today but then this happened, referring to my pain level, so it's going to be whatever has been precooked and is in the freezer that David can find and heat up for himself. I'm not hungry and will most likely just go lie down for the rest of the day. 
Lucy at my desk ignoring me when I want her to move.

Our neighbor came over to see if David could drive him to Walmart. He's hurting too. So, David is gone right now. Lucy is sleeping peacefully next to me. She loves her mommy. The past three nights she has ended up on the couch either watching me or sleeping because I couldn't sleep. That little baby girl just has to make sure her mommy is okay. Since my accident two years ago, she hasn't left my side. She follows me everywhere. If I get up from the couch to get a drink of water she comes with me. No matter what, she has to follow me.

Tomorrow, if I feel good, I have a messy work table and drawing table that I need to clean off and get situated. I haven't been able to clean that area for weeks now and it really needs to get done. It looks like a rat trap with books, pens, pencils, paints, water color paper, and my camera all in disarray. I'm really a neat person but lately, I've just thrown things and left them where they lay. It's a nasty habit I have when I feel bad. I need to break myself of it.
Well, I'm going to go lay down and read for a while. Y'all have a magical day. Wear a mask, stay safe, and go vote if you haven't done it yet.


  1. I love those goofy therapist memes, LOL!

  2. our votes are in the hands of the county election board! great pix of lucy. I have not had beef stew in ages!

  3. I'm sorry to hear you have pain so often. We're moving out of beef stew weather and into salads and ice cream weather. I hate the extreme heat of Australian summer, but don't like to feel cold either. I prefer mid to late autumn and late spring when the pollens have gone.

  4. Just stopping by to say hi and see how you are doing. I hope you get to feeling better soon. Lucy is just too too cute, give her a big hug for me.

    Sending good vibes and well wishes your way. Stay Safe, my friend!

  5. I wish you could just push those fronts down my way. I am really tired of hot, humid days and nights - ugh. Hope you feel better quickly and am sending positive thoughts.

  6. Sorry about your pain level.
    Hope you are feeling beer today 🍂🎃👻🍁🍂🌙

  7. will give the goddess something shiny for you..sending love
