
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Cross Road

 Hi everybody. It's been a while since you heard from me but I've been doing a lot of thinking and hemming and hawing. I'm thinking of quitting my blog but something inside says keep going. 

I don't know if I'm just so tired from Lupus all the time or I'm just running out of ideas to write about. Goddess only knows how hard it's been for me lately. 

So I'm going to take a week off and really think about whether I should continue. By next Tuesday I will let all y'all know of what I have decided. Until then, have a happy Thanksgiving and please wear a mask. 


  1. Unfortunately the way of the world drains our energy and when we have underlying health issues, too, it can only drag us down more.
    I do hope you will keep blogging but only you can make this decision.

    Wishing You the Very Best ❤

  2. but I would miss your "wet dog/cat wednesdays" and your "religion in a nutshell" sundays! and we have 1/20/21 to look forward to! don't leave!

  3. Best wishes and thoughts
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. How many times have you thought about quitting? It's been about 4 for me.

  5. damn, it seems like there are so few of us left anymore. i hope you don't go away!

  6. Well, I hope you decide to keep on if just to occasionally say hello world, we are well, and this part of TX hasn't exploded or fallen into a deep hole.

  7. I hope you'll choose to keep going -- but of course, do what's best for yourself.

  8. You must do what is best for you, Leanna! I know blogs can be a grind after a while. That's why I'm a big believer in taking blog breaks. I take at least one month off per year -- sometimes two months, as I did this summer!

  9. You do what you have to do, it's your life.

  10. I love your irreverent blog! Don’t go

  11. It's definitely your call as to how often you write on your blog ... don't feel pressured to do more then your body feels like doing!
    You certainly don't have to write something every day or even every week, for that matter! Those of us who enjoy your blog will totally understand!
    Happy Thanksgiving, Leanna!

  12. Many times you have brightened my day.

  13. you're a texan woman, don't quit!! i love your blog

  14. Saw your blog title on Mike's blog. Love it! Good luck whatever you decide to do. I suggest just popping in with a post when you're inspired. You post some great material!

  15. You need to do what's best for you, but if you leave, my morning won't be quite complete.

    Stay well.

  16. i'll miss you if you go, but as someone with a chronic illness that keeps the unknown in the forefront, i understand. maybe just come here when you feel like. don't feel like you have to post everyday or on a schedule. do what makes you happy.
    love, kisses & magical wishes...

  17. Naw, stick around.

    As Kimberly Guilfoyle said, "THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!"

  18. I would miss your blogging if you quit.

  19. Hello Leanna - Your health is the most important thing, and I hope that no matter what, you will feel better soon. If you choose to discontinue your blog, I will miss you dearly! I always look forwarding to reading your entries and seeing your Wet Cat Wednesdays, etc. for my chuckles. Please take good care of yourself, and I wish you a safe and happy Christmas and 2021.


  20. Take a bit of a break you sound like you need one. We will miss you but maybe you can get reenergized and be back. Take care
