
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

I Think I'll Stay a While

Thank you all for the well wishes. I have decided to stay. Yeah, someone has to keep you people in line. Who else can whip y'all into a slobbering frenzy? Screw lupus. I'll push through it and when I can't, I'll just take a few days off until I feel better. I will be making a change though I'll be posting later than I usually do because it's kinda hard getting up at the crack of dawn. So y'all will have to keep an eye out.

This past weekend we ate our fill of Thanksgiving ham and stuff, not stuffing, just stuff. Saturday I made homemade chicken soup and David's beloved tortilla soup. I like tortilla soup but DAYUM, not every day. I thought of hooking him up to a tortilla soup IV but then his arm would be making strange slurping sounds at bedtime. Anywho, I made some raisin cinnamon bread and regular bread too. Also my favorite and every diabetic's favorite, cowboy cookies. Yes, it isn't the holidays without a diabetic coma from cowboy cookies.
I did wake up around 8am this morning but it took almost an hour for me to get the gumption to get out of bed. Lucy kept me up most of the night wanting to get under the blanket to keep warm. It was quite cold last night. At one time it went down to 27F. I think the furnace went on about three times and it was a pleasant night really. 

Well, I need to go get the laundry finished and then pass out of the couch and watch some Netflix for a couple of hours. So y'all stay safe, wear a mask and have a magical day.


  1. YAY! Glad you're continuing to amuse, educate and inform us! And bloggers post at all times of the day and night, so don't sweat it -- just post when you have time and inclination.

    Am stealing the "corn dog" meme! That's my kind of cooking!

  2. I'm glad you are staying with us!

  3. yay too! glad you are staying! i am so enjoying a snowy day. we had so little snow last year so this is great!

  4. YAYZ! I don't care about the time you post! looks like you had a nice holiday. I LOVE REAL corn dogs too! and I know not of "cowboy cookies"; please to enlighten us.

  5. my post come up at 6:30 but I post date them the day before sometimes 2 days before..but mine are mostly memes so that's no big deal..glad you'll be around..just take it easy.

  6. somehow I missed something. whatever glad you decided to stick around.

  7. Bravo for saying Fuck to Lupus and staying with us! We need strict Supervision... coupled with Gallow's Humor in large doses and you provide both. *winks* We looked for Thanksgiving TV Dinners and didn't realize they don't seem to make the Hungry Man Turkey Dinner... or any TV Dinner... any more?!?!??! There wasn't even a space for them in the Freezer Section, who knew? Of coarse it had been years since The Man or I had even bought a TV Dinner... so we assumed they still make them, but I dunno now? Luckily the Deli had a 1/4 Rotisserie Turkey and it was Divine! Due to Pandemic we were not Gathering and cooking for the Hoards... so, since the Granddaughter Hates all Foods that aren't the 3 things in the whole World she'll even try to eat, we weren't prepping a Traditional Meal or looking for a Turkey that would weigh, say... 5 lbs. *LOL*

  8. Time doesn't matter. I do my posts the night before and then set them to post at midnight. Just like I'm doing now.

  9. yay!! so glad you'll be sticking around. so what the heck are cowboy cookies? as a diabetic i feel i should know. :-)
    love, kisses & magical wishes...

    ps...hugs to lucy

  10. Cowboy Cookies? I need more information on these please.

  11. Glad you are sticking around--your health and well-being comes first. Don't hesitate to take breaks when needed.

  12. Yay! So glad you're still hanging out with all the inmates!

  13. That is the kind of corn dogs recipe I would go for.
    the Ol'Buzzard
