
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Lucy Hates Cameras

 It's been really cold in the mornings. 
Something like around the low 30's.

Lucy hates the cold and has been 
hibernating under blankets when she can find them.
When the blankets are nowhere to be found she watches 
the squirrels from the living room window.

There are blankets on the couch but I have the camera at the ready and she refuses to have her picture taken. Very camera shy.

I have to sneak a snap or two when she's not looking.


The only time she doesn't mind the camera is when she's outside playing. 
She's more interested in finding squirrels and exploring 
all the new smells than posing for the camera. 
Silly puppy.


  1. dogs. Minnie is also snug under blankets.

  2. Maybe you can disguise your camera as a squirrel?

  3. that last pic is great! i hate cameras too.

  4. Oh, that Smile of hers in that last pix is Priceless tho', well worth waiting for the Moment when she's agreeable to being your Muse!

  5. I love dogs - don't know what I would do without my "Buddy". He and my cat (Stormy) offer my husband and I hours of entertainment during this "lockdown" - I love Lucy - haha..Have a Great Holiday - for the first time it will be just the four of us (that number includes the pets) Glad you didn't quit blogging because you are another source of entertainment -Mary Ellen

  6. Always love to see Ms. Lucy. She's adorable.

    I too am very happy you continue to blog.

    CA Curmudgeon

  7. Been cold around here too. My son's dog, Belgian Shepard, loves to cold. The colder it is, the harder it is to get her to come in.

  8. Wonderful pix! What a sweet face--smooches!

  9. She is so adorable!!! Love those big eyes! Big Hugs!
