
Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Busy Busy Busy

Today is cheesecake day. I'm making two of them. It's a sinch to make once you know the ins and outs. I started at 5am this morning.
So I'm waiting for the first cheesecake to finish its cooling cycle in the oven before I take it out and then I'll start on the second one.  It's the most perfect day for baking. Not too hot and not too cold. 

Well, I have a cheesecake to get out of the oven. It's been two hours on the cooldown time, so it's time to get the other one started. Y'all have a magical day, stay safe and wear a mask.


  1. better man than I am Gunga cheesecakes take 8 minutes to make. Not the bake kind.. I gave that up years ago..stay safe

  2. My dad loved cheesecake. My son loves cheesecake. But the cheesecake gene bypassed me.

  3. Doesn't cool down time happen out of the oven? That way you can put the second one in as soon as the first comes out of the oven. I've never made a baked cheesecake, only the no-bake variety.

  4. I would pay good money to you for one of those!
