
Monday, January 18, 2021

Stuff n' Thangs on Monday

Over the weekend I had a fairly bad Lupus episode. I was wondering if I should go to the ER but they wouldn't be able to help me. Most ER doctors have no idea how to treat autoimmune diseases. they just leave you alone in an exam room until they remember that you are there and then send you home without treating you. That's how I've been treated at the ER here in town. Anywho I took two sleeping pills and slept it off otherwise, I was talking with friends via email and phone calls with the help of heating pads and Tylenol. But I got through it. So there was that.
Today I'm going to make cheesecakes, one for us and one for my neighbor. I love baking and sharing so I have a reason for baking a cheesecake other than for ourselves.
Over the weekend David was helping out with neighbors with plumbing problems and other things. I didn't see him at all on Saturday or most of Sunday. My husband, the renaissance man. He says he works harder since he retired than when he did at the office. It's a good thing. Keeps him in condition.
We have had a nice cold dry weather spell for the past week and a half and now we are heading into another week of wet weather starting today. It's overcast and I love it. I really need to get my ass moving to get my house plants outside so when it rains they will get some of it. I do that every time I can.
David did the laundry on Saturday for me so there is nothing for me to do today. He already vacuumed the house and swept and mopped the kitchen floor, cleaned the bathroom, and everything. I wonder why? I usually can't get him to even take out the trash without yelling for him to do it. Something is up.


  1. Glad you got through the weekend. David is doing all the housework? Is it your birthday?

  2. woah...david must be really bored. i wish paul would get that bored too.

  3. wow, HOW did you manage to get david to do the housework? I LOVE cheesecake!

  4. my husband used to mop the kitchen floor occasionally. can't remember when he last did it. glad you got through the episode. partly cloudy here but no rain predicted any time soon.

  5. I wonder what David is planning! LOL! Sorry about your Lupus! Enjoy your baking! Big Hugs!

  6. Could I borrow David for a day please?

  7. Did David buy you an outfit from Victoria's Secret too?

  8. Glad to hear you're feeling better. I love baking also though I don't do as much as I'd like. Why? Because I'd be the one eating it all!! My plants are truly nagging at me to go outside but I have some 60-odd and, well - not going to happen. Hope you continue to feel good!

  9. I'm envious, I need a Live-In Man to tend to Housekeeping! Glad you're feeling better, I hate when an ER Visit is redundant but they bill you as if they did something anyway.
