
Monday, February 15, 2021

We come from the land of the ice and snow From the midnight sun where the hot springs flow

Out the front door

Fuck it's cold! It's like an Arctic wasteland outside. The wind chill is -10F and it's 14F right now but it's slowly climbing. It's been 10F all night and then we started having rolling blackouts. So far the first one was 15 minutes and then the second one was 45 minutes. Thank goodness we have a really well-sealed house now after the renovations 15 years ago. David said that he's really thankful that I suggested it. This house was so drafty and cold in the winter.
Side yard

Anywho, it started snowing around 10pm last night and finally stopped at 3am. We have about 1 1/2 inches of the white stuff and except for the freezing cold, it's like heaven. So fucking bright too. I've forgotten how bright it can be. I wish I'd kept my skier's sunglasses. But down here in south-central Texas you don't need them unless you plan to go out deep sea fishing off the coast. The weather people from different TV stations are all in agreement that it will get colder tonight and that this won't be easing up into the higher temperatures until Wednesday. The weekend will be back in the 60s. So for the time being we have everything we need and there are no road crews to clear the streets so we're going to enjoy the winter wonderland for as long as it lasts.


  1. Stay safe and warm! Yes, freshly fallen snow can be SO bright in the sunshine. "Snow blindness" is a real thing.

  2. Not enough snow; but otherwise sounds like a normal mild winter day here in Maine.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  3. Have fun and stay warm! It looks beautiful!!! Big Hugs!

  4. It was 16˚ when I got up this morning, warmed up a bit but gonna get colder tonight. the sun is out but makes no difference.

  5. yay for you! i'm glad you got a bit of snow!

  6. looks like my back yard, only with more snow. we have about 18" still left over from last week. it's been too cold to melt. I could use some 60F and sunshine right now! stay safe and don't go out!

  7. Texas sounds like heaven right now. We woke up to -31 degrees temp this morning and with full sunshine, made it to a high of -2 degrees. It's supposed to get down to -26 degrees tonight and finally reach the plus side tomorrow. It is going to progressively warm up through the week and will hopefully reach a high of freezing (32 degrees) by Sunday. You wouldn't believe how warm that can feel after having so many days in the negatives. It's been a bitter cold February, even for Minnesota. Ranee

  8. I'd forgotten that Texas also gets snow. In the western movies I watch it's mostly dust storms and tumbleweeds. ALL houses in America should be built without draughts.

  9. It has been bitter cold up here in S. CO, too! This Arctic cold has hit a lot of us ... this, too, shall pass and we will appreciate the warmth a bit more when it finally arrives!!

  10. I'm with Ol'Buzzard. A pretty nice winter day here on the Northern border with Canada, but it has to be tough for y'all down there. 60s? We won't see that until May unless we get a warm spell in April. Still, I am getting tired of winter, but it does keep the riff raff out.

  11. the entire state of Texas is frozen...I am so grateful that I never lost power.
