
Monday, March 29, 2021


Some of you have been wondering about Lucy and her eye problems. Well, we had a falling through with the doctor that was going to do the operation. He retired. But there is a good side to all this. I called her vet here in town and asked for help in locating another eye doctor. Low and behold we hit the mother lode. We have an appointment on Tuesday morning in San Antonio for the exam only. Then we will go from there. So as it is, nothing is written in stone for her, YET. So we will just give her loves and keep her away from walls and door corners. Crossing our fingers for her.

Another item. I wasn't doing too good because Lupus smacked me upside the head again and the pain had me down. I'm doing a bit better today so we will take it slow and easy for me too. To continue, I will still be only posting on Wednesdays and Sundays.


  1. Wishing Lucy (and you too, of course) all the best! I just watched a documentary on PBS about the southern writer Flannery O'Connor, who had lupus too.

  2. Lucy looks like she is asking to be picked up for a cuddle. I hope her eyes get fixed soon.

  3. All the best to you and Lucy. Lupus is one hell of a disease. At least it is treatable today. 50 years ago it was not.

  4. sorry to hear your lupus is being a beast. and hoping for the best outcome for Lucy.

  5. Sending positive thoughts that all goes well for Lucy and that you will feel 1000% better!

  6. will give the goddess something shiny for you and Lucy.

  7. Sending you and Lucy, healing hugs and much love!
