
Monday, March 8, 2021

We Got Our Tickets to The Fauci-Ouchie Prom

David and I signed up on the Fauci-Ouchie list about three weeks ago Well I signed us up and he did us again on his laptop before I could tell him. Soooooooo. To make this short and sweet, this past Sunday morning we got an invite in both our emails and he, David, my sexy beast/husband set us up through the online invite for the Fouci-Ouchie on Thursday afternoon this week. We are also scheduled for the second one on April 8th. So happy. We printed the paperwork and our tickets that will allow us in. I'm all giddy. I'm hoping to get pictures of us getting our first round.

One thing is that we will continue to wear our masks and social distance, etc. even though other stupid Texans are not. We don't follow the will of the insane governor of Texas. We follow Fauci and the rest of the COVID task force. When they say it is safe, it is safe. 


  1. So glad you are getting your shots and wearing masks. There's not much Covid here in Australia so not many people still wear masks, but we are still social distancing in stores and on public transport. The vaccinations are being rolled out according to age and need and I'll be in line when my turn comes.

  2. We got our first shot two weeks ago. Getting our second on Thursday.

  3. My husband and I got our first shots last week. Great feeling to finally get there. Thanks for keeping your mask on. This is not over, by any means.

  4. your state guvmint is SO fucked up it ain't funny!

    I just got my first shot last friday through my county. spouse is still on the waiting list (he's under 65). 30 minutes start to finish; the site was well organized too.

  5. This was the easiest shot I have ever taken. I honestly felt almost nothing when the shot was administered. The next day my arm was a little sore at the injection site - but that was a pleasant reminder that I had begun a resistance to the virus.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  6. I get mine tomorrow! My buddy gets hers today, she says she is getting the one-shot deal. I hope so, too.

  7. Following Fauci is the smart way to go with this!

  8. it's like Abbott wants this country to fail to control the pandemic. he certainly seems to want Texas to fail. so he announces an end to the mask mandate and opens the state to 100% occupancy saying he will leave it up to each individuals common sense and then in almost the next breath blames migrants coming across the border for spreading covid after he held up federal testing of migrants for covid.

    and so a mexican restaurant decided to keep it's mask requirement for staff and customers walking in and out and so of course belligerent ignorant Texans harassed the staff and threatened to call ICE on them. there's our 'common sense'.

  9. Glad you'll be getting the vaccine! And yes, it doesn't mean the pandemic is over and everyone can go nuts.

  10. I am so with you on the Fauci thing!

  11. Randy Rainbow has addressed the "Fauci-Ouchie" in his own inimitable style!

    Hope your shots go well and painlessly.


  12. i get my second shot today. i with there were more people like you in texas!

  13. i get my second one in about 3 weeks..first one kicked my ass..can't wait for the second one for round two.

  14. Good for you two! Please let us know, if you have any reactions! I am so proud of you, that you are keeping your masks on! Big Hugs!
