
Monday, May 31, 2021

I'm Doin Fine, Thanks

Hey everyone, I'm doing better. Thank you all for your good wishes and all. It's been hard and I still cry now and then but I'm getting better. Lucy was my babygirl and we did so much together for the past 15 years. She really was missed by my husband and myself greatly around here. It nearly killed us both when we had to let her go. I held her through the whole process. Afterward, David and I couldn't keep ourselves busy enough to stop thinking about her. I tore the whole house apart cleaning even when I was in physical pain and David tore his tool shed/man cave apart and moved my garden shed for easier access for me. It's now in the courtyard under the trees. He even cleaned it out and bought new pots and bags of potting mix and soil for me. He's a sweetie. I'll have to stop talking bad about him.

Frankie sticking out his tongue.

But on to better things. About a week before we lost Lucy to her seizures, another puppy came into our lives. His name is Frankie. He's a pound puppy from the Seguin Animal Services. I saw his mug shot on their Facebook page and immediately said we have to rescue him, which we did a week later. He's a Chihuahua/Pug mix with a lot of piss and vinegar in him. He's less than a year old at least. I think he's about 8 or 9 months old. We are taking him to our family vet next week for his introduction and checkup. He knows the house rules already and he's leash trained so he's been going on my morning walks with me when it's not raining. When he gets his checkup and is okay by the vet then we will take him to the dog park. But I have to say he's a blessing to us. 

David has been helping as well as Frankie. We were finally cutting down the frozen dead parts of my lemon trees and David noticed some green shoots near the trunk of one before he cut it. I looked and smiled. One of my lemon trees was fighting for its life. So I let David cut the small trunk carefully down to about 3 inches above the soil line and then I watered the lemon shoots with a lemon fertilizer mixture. Little buggers never give up. I also repotted my oregano. it was going great guns all over the large pot I had it in so I took it all out and broke up the plant into 3 smaller plants and potted them. I also cut several sprigs and tied them for drying. They are so much happier. The rosemary bush I had for almost 15 years died in the winter freeze too, along with my hydrangeas and geraniums. So I ordered new plants because the greenhouses out here in town don't have anything I want. 

Well, I have a little puppy dog that is crying to go outside and I have some things to do too. All y'all have a magical day, wear your mask when you go out and if you haven't done it yet, go get your vax.


  1. I'm glad that you and David are starting to feel a little better now. And that Frankie! What a cutie! I'm happy he found a forever home with you.

  2. what good news. i have been thinking about you. you can't replace one dog with another one but new ones can help heal your heart. and so many need homes. glad to hear you are doing okay!

  3. glad to hear you are doing better. and what great timing on Frankie. not that he takes Lucy's place but. a tragedy here too. our well loved cat of 13 or 14 years died and I have yet to get over that. so glad for Minnie.

    my rosemary died too as did all the citrus trees around here. I'm afraid your lemon tree is coming out from the root below the graft which means any fruit it produces will be bitter. I think all citrus trees are grafted onto heartier root stock.

  4. I've heard that grief is just love with no place to go - well, it looks like you have the pawwfect place for it! Frankie looks like a sweetheart - what a lucky dawg. Glad you and David are feeling a little better and your sense of humor is intact ... the fuckening, I love it!

  5. I’m sorry for your loss, but I’m glad for your new little feller!

    Best regards,


  6. Congratulations on your new puppy!!

  7. Frankie has found the perfect home.
    I'm finally getting my first jab next week.

  8. So happy for you.
    take care
    the Ol'Buzzard

  9. I'm sorry to hear your lost your Beloved long time Fur Baby, but so happy to hear you got the Puppy, which will help the Void somewhat. We lost our last Fur Baby in November, I wrestled with whether or not to get a Kitten, since the Teen Grandchild was moping about her Beloved Cat so much that she wanted something to fill the enormous Void left behind. Most of her life we'd had Miss Priss. We didn't get the Kitten... it's always a difficult choice on whether to Adopt again or not. The new Pup sounds like an intelligent and loving new addition that will enrich your lives, congrats on being a new Parent again!

  10. Congrats! Such a cutie!! Big Hugs!
