
Saturday, April 23, 2022

Dramatic Husky Screams At Groomers // Funny Dogs Caught On Camera

David found this on Tiktok. Y'all heard of the screaming goat? How about the screaming husky. Sounds like an old lady screaming bloody blue murder. You can't help but laugh with the young lady.


  1. Oh yes ~ let's torture the dog some more... Absolutely disgusting!

  2. Chill out bobbie. This is pretty funny. The dog is not being hurt.

  3. Yeahhhh.. I wouldn't be too sure 'bout that.
    As a husky owner (deceased), I'm used to howls, "singing" and other vocalizations
    but this one's new to me. The fact that it screams at the lightest movement to get it out of the dog-wash says something.

    Now, THAT being said, I'm not sure if it was 'torture".
    It DID bring my nephews dog running downstairs from a sound sleep to find out
    what the noise (from my speakers) was. With a quizzical look.

    I'm gonna have to say interesting, but not really funny.

  4. This is for the Anonymous reader, if you go into and type in screaming or noisy husky compilation and it will direct you to what seems like a hundred videos of huskys doing something very close to if not making the exact screaming sound as this one does. Believe me when I say, I would not post anything if it meant an animal was being mistreated or hurt. It is obvious that maybe this might be his or her first time being groomed and they are scared but mistreated? Nope.
    So please y'all stop being a bunch of KARENs and have a little laugh.

  5. Huskies are the most vocal of all the point where you know there is language in there..sounds like he was just pissed to me.

  6. WOW, the butt-hurt is STRONG with this one (Leanna).
    I didn't threaten to call a cop.
    I didn't threaten to try to take the site down.
    I didn't do ANYTHING a 'Karen' threatens to do.

    I expressed my opinion. And I stand by my opinion.
    "Interesting but not funny".

    (go away for a week and the world goes to shit)
