
Thursday, July 28, 2022

GOP Handmaid's Tale: SCOTUS Overturns Roe v. Wade

What the future will be if you don't vote Democrat this November


  1. Good ad! "Now take away their right to govern." Yes!

  2. I have cried tears over what’s happening in your country
    I hope and pray that the majority of the US citizens see what’s happening and vote them out

  3. Sadly a great re enactment of the future ,everyone should see and think …what if it was my daughter !!!

  4. I think people are finally getting tired of the republicans and their little snits refusing to vote for bills that most people want. I think maybe McConnell and McCarthy are losing their grip a little. People are pissed at their little petty revenge NO vote on the veterans' health bill because they assumed that Manchin would continue to refuse to vote with democrats and they thought, wrongly, that the dems could not then pursue a watered down build back better through reconciliation.
