
Thursday, October 20, 2022

It's Here!

Hey everyone. I know, I know. I rarely if ever blog about anything anymore these days but someone very dear to my heart, one of my soul sisters, Debra, at She Who Seeks sent me a CURLING MUG!! Yes! I LOVE CURLING!! It's like chess on ice. At least that's what I call it. Besides hockey, football, and soccer, curling is one of my favorite sports that I love to watch. The problem is, it's the least televised down here in Texas. Once in a while though, we get lucky and a sports channel will have it. This past winter Olympics, my husband got turned on to it when he heard me cheering from the living room. He came to watch and he has been a hooked fan ever since. In fact, he checks for any matches on the ESPN channels once a week. He was a little envious of the curling mug but he doesn't drink coffee or tea so I know he won't steal it from me.

Oh, look! I have pictures and everything. You can see the Canadian maple leaf emblem inside the mug. So cute!

The side view looks like a real curling stone.

And with my 2 cups of caramel coffee, that fit perfectly. 
Yeah, I'm a big coffee drinker.

Thank you so much, Debra. I have never been so happy about a hot mug of morning coffee until now. 


  1. i love it! i was signed up for curling lessons when we were transferred back to the states. i was so disappointed.

  2. I don't proselytize about religion, but about curling? HELLZ YEAH! It's my duty as a Canadian. Glad you like the mug!

  3. we have matching mugs thanks to Debra...ain't she the best?

  4. The only time I ever see curling is in the Olympics. Have you ever thought of buying yourself a shuffleboard table?

  5. Try another game from Canada that you and your husband can play together. Crokinole! Very addictive.

  6. Love the mug, couldn't care less about the sport.

  7. OMG! I got hooked just watching the Youtube videos explaining the rules. This is perfect! Thank you for hooking me up with this. Now I have to score a good board and pieces.

  8. Love watching curling during the Olympics. That mug is amazing!

  9. What a wonderful surprise! That's how presents should be, not the required gift giving of certain holidays.
