
Friday, May 12, 2023

This is What Happens Every Morning, I Shit You Not

David says that every morning he gets up and the puppies act like he's chopped liver. No fanfare, no high-pitched barking. No jumping and going crazy. Nada. Nada damned thing. I get up and there is crazy running for their toys to bring to the Goddess of the Hearth and Home. Then there is much rejoicing, jumping, and performing of plays and high-pitched screaming and singing that which doth pierce the eardrums of all peasants near and far and pleases the Goddess greatly. 
Xander the Speed Demon - recharging 

Yeah, they go crazy and wait for me to open the hallway doors. Then they attack me with love and high-pitched barking. They get the blue ball and fight over it and put it at my feet until I throw it for them. Then Xander runs from the TV room, down the hall, into the living room, around the coffee table and back to the TV room. This is done at high speed and all you see is a blurred black and brown speed demon running with a blur of a blue ball in his mouth. Back and forth about three times. He basically wants  Frankie to chase him and get the ball but that isn't happening cause momma's up and Frankie is a lazy bum. Believe it or not, this happens every morning come rain or shine. Oh, and if the cat is inside taking full advantage of the bed and breakfast that we offer, she tries to swat Xander as he runs past her. He's very brave.

Frankie the Lazy Bum



  1. David is very gracious about his second-fiddle status, LOL

  2. Minnie grudgingly snuggles with Marc when I'm gone, moping he says. One of Cat's fun games is to hide behind something crouched down waiting for Minnie to walk past so she leap out at the dog. Marc has no idea how to woo a cat, stomping at her, heavy handed mauling (what he calls petting). no wonder she hangs out on my bed and chair.

  3. Lucky understands and obeys Russian better than English. He knows who feeds him.

  4. Fun to read about but I'm glad I don't have thta going on here. I get up slowly and the cat stays under the covers for the rest of the day, or until she is hungry enough, then I race in there and make the bed.

  5. Such cute pups! Too funny commentary. You should get an HBO special!
