
Thursday, October 5, 2023

So Elegant

I found this on Infidel753's blog. I just love his stuff, you should check him out. 

Anywho, I found out this cat's name is Rover and he has a YouTube channel here much like his TikTok channel which you can find here. This cat is so elegant when he walks. He loves to work that Catwalk and you can see it in the way he moves his tail. It's like he's doing the Princess Wave but with his tail. This cat is elegant as hell.

Below is another video about Rover's story.


  1. Thanks for the link! And I had no idea this cat was a full-fledged "runway meowdel".

  2. You are quite welcome, my friend.🤘
    Since I have retired from lab work I have discovered a superpower for finding out about things on the internet.

  3. Love, love, LOVE this post, Leanna! I have a gif of "the dracula cape walk" that I'm using in an upcoming Halloween post, but I had no knowledge of this fabulous cat's background or wealth of videos etc on the internet about him! I'm off now to subscribe to Rover's YouTube channel, thanks!

  4. Rover is a lovely cat. Mine won't even wear a collar, I'd lose an arm if I tried to dress her.
