
Saturday, November 4, 2023

Daylight Saving Time

Y'all it's that time again to turn your clocks back and don't forget to change the batteries in your smoke alarms.


  1. I put notes all over the place to remind myself. Then I find the notes Sunday afternoon.

  2. We set our clocks forward a few weeks ago. I’ve finally adjusted

  3. DLS time is so stupid. it's mother nature for god's sake. i say we should just leave it alone and as the universe intended.

  4. The Druids tried to warn us! Time is set in stone! Don't mess with it!

  5. Exactly Joyce. I am so tired of leaving my car stereo at the wrong time starting in the spring for months. It's crazy. Why can't we just leave well enough alone.

  6. i hate dsl. i agree with joyce. it's not like mother nature doesn't know what she's doing. :-) i can never remember which way to move the clock, forward or back? i get sooo confused!

    love & magicks

  7. Saskatchewan is on permanent Central time. The time zone used to split the province down the centre when I was a kid. That was insane so the province had to do something.
