Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Religion in a Nutshell



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Praise God and pass the collection plate!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

ain't it the truth!

Cleora Borealis said...

One of your best yet! I know people who say religion helps them. They feel comforted and welcomed at church. But, that's not the religion. That's them being fortunate to have found a community of loving people. I wish that for everyone and we might find more of those communities if we kept religion out of them.

River said...

When I was very young and sent to Sunday School I thought the collection plate was Jesus offering money to us kids and took a sixpence. When we kids learned we were supposed to GIVE our sixpences we didn't go anymore.

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