
Monday, September 2, 2024

I'm Back

 Yes, I'm back, somewhat, but I'm taking it really slow. I still have crazy pain and fatigue but not as bad. My heating pads are helping a little bit with the body pain and my painkillers are making life around here somewhat bearable. But yeah, I pushed the envelope as David says. I overdid it and the rainy weather didn't help and look where it got me. Hit me with a double whammy of lupus and arthritic lower back pain like nothing I ever experienced before. So bear with me y'all, I'm working on it. 


  1. Glad you're starting to feel somewhat better again. And hey, that video insults racoons!

  2. My wife and I get some relief with an infrared light, .

    I also used to use a TENS unit. May be worth trying.

    perseverance furthers

  3. Glad to hear you're feeling better with heating pads and "better living through chemistry" as that old advertisement used to say. My rheumatologist told me long ago that the first 10 years with lupus are the easiest and boy, was he right! I'm at 25 years now and the fatigue is overwhelming. Do something, sit and read for an hour to find a spoon or two so I can do some other task, etc.

