
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tough Shit Tuesday

I just got back from the Orthopedic Comedian's office. He said i was w a y ahead of myself  in getting through my recovery. The workouts at the pool and the home exercises, not to mention all your great prayers are helping. He was very happy in the outcome. But I will have to come back to see him in four weeks.

In a way it made me happy that I am doing so well, but I am so depressed that I'm not getting the sleep I so desperately need. The pain is absolutely unreal at night. I was crying on the way home. Thank the Goddess David was driving.

I did see something though that made me laugh. I don't know if any of you remember the bling week I had back in 2010 but this was the first item of bling I found on the web that weekend, check the blog for it. I'll wait ...

Well I saw a little VW Bug with a set of the lashes on it. A middle aged woman was driving it and all I could say was, "You go girl!" It was just the cutest thing. It got David's attention too. I asked if I could have a set with the rhinestone bling to go with it. He said he has to drive my car too. He didn't want to be laughed at. That's just the wet shits.


  1. What did the doctor say about the pain? Is the pain level normal? Maybe he could refer you to a pain specialist.

  2. Hey Debra, he said my pain will go away in a few months. There is nothing we can do for it except take my hydrocodone 7.5's. He did say I could have Tylenol P.M. to help me sleep. But if I take it I can't have the Hydro at the same time. He was going to give me Ambien but I said no because I had problems with it in the hospital while I was there. I also asked him about a pain specialist who took care of my knee back in 2005 when I had it cleaned out for the arthritis. Doc said he wouldn't be able to help. Anyways I did call Doctor M. my pain specialist to see it the Ortho doc was right and Doc M. said he could give me a shot to ease it but it would only last for a week or two. So to sum it up. My life is kah kah or the shits.
