Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Friday, January 4, 2013

Changes, Boredom, and Cold, Oh My

I'm in the middle of doing some slight changes to my blog. I may lose a few of my looky-loos and I may gain some more of you sick twisted individuals just like me. I'm hoping to write more at least every day BWAAAHAAHAHAHAHAA sorry with just as many pictures for the sound it out. I have faith in you vo-cab-u-lar-y challenged out there in Bloggitty Reader Land. I need to do this because I'm bored, tired, totally close to losing my mind and I just feel the need to do it. OKAY?!!

Being stuck in this house is costing me my sanity. You are wondering why don't I just go for a walk or take a drive. Well David my sexy beast/plaything has taken my car keys and drivers license. I can't go for a walk outside because if I go to far I may not have the leg power to get back on my own. My left leg is still not totally well yet. The daily exercise on the treadmill and the exercises I was given to do until I see my Ortho Doctor on Thursday next week are helping. Other than that, I'm severely medicated to keep from killing anyone that comes near. David says it's for safety reasons. Did I tell you about how the puppies have learned to talk?

Sitting outside does help a bit but shit, it's colder than a well diggers ass out there. If you catch my drift. The weather guy said it would warm up a bit today but so far phhffffffffffft!!

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