Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 26 Post A Picture Of Something Yellow

Day 26:

Post a pictures of something yellow.

Esperanza flowers in my garden. They are also called "Yellow Trumpet" and "Yellow Star" These suckers get to be over 10 feet tall. We have them all along the southern and western  sides of our house to keep the house cool in the summer. We have to cut them down to the bare bones in the winter. This shit is like bamboo but they're so pretty to look at.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Beautiful! I probably would have just posted a photo of butter or something.

greekwitch said...

Thank you my dear!
This is a beautiful plant, i am going to look it up!

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