Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 27 July Blog Challenge

Day 27:

Do you own a smart phone? Tell us why you love it.

Glad to say that I don't own a smart phone. I have a regular LG flip phone that I keep in my purse at all times. I only use it when I'm driving or away from home. I'm old fashioned in the way of phone techno. I don't need all the bells and whistles just to have a phone.


Anonymous said...

I have an iPhone 5. I am selling it and getting a basic phone with unlimited call and text. There are two things I will miss about my iPhone my weight loss app and my navigation app. The rest is all time sucking shit.

Unknown said...

totally agree x

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those smart phones are like crack cocaine. Once you have one, it takes over your life. I don't have one but My Rare One does. She's lost without it now.

Birdie said...

I only have a cell and it is an old one. It doesn't do anything but make and receive phone calls. And it only has 25 minutes a month. Currently I am unplugging from the world and my cell phone is one of them.

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