Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Monday, November 17, 2014

Just a Quick Note

Some of you are wondering where the hell I am. Well, I'm right here of coarse. *Note to self: that was not funny.* I've been nursing bad back pain for the past week. I won't see my Pain doctor for another 3 weeks. Yeah, lucky me. I do have enough pain meds to help me cope though.  I'm also late in posting this because I was finally sleeping and I just woke up at 1PM. So on to the good stuff.
The guys are so proud of their fish.
David (on the left) and the guys came home from their fishing trip just in time before the cold set in on the coast. They had a pretty good time of it. The fish were laughing at them as usual. David brought home only 2 bags of Reds instead of the usual 4.

The UV light. What it looks like when turned on.
 This past Saturday David and I set up the UV plant grow light I got from Amazon. I placed a large blue tarp over and around the UV setup so the puppies don't get into the area. That light is a Red/Blue LED lamp and will blind you if you look directly at it. So far the plants that are under the light are loving it. I decided to buy one this year to help the plants that I have to bring inside during the cold weather. So far they don't mind it.
this is not the one I bought.but it looks close to it.
I plan on starting tomato, peppers, and bean seedlings for the spring garden with the lamp. This will give us a jump on the growing season for our veggie garden.

The cold has been bad for me but great for comfort food cooking. I made pot roast on Saturday and we will have leftovers tonight. Tomorrow it will be in the 30's so we will have tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. I'm making chili again for Wednesday night. Then the weather starts getting rainy and I will be making a casserole for Thursday. David wants to go out on a date Friday so I won't be cooking that night.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

wow...a date...i don't even remember those!

Birdie said...

Mmmm! Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches are one of my all time favourites. Nobody could make it like my mom. You must have dill pickles and a glass of milk to go with it.

Pickleope said...

Sorry to hear about your pain. Hopefully the docs can get that sorted out with a quickness.
Uh oh, I just looked directly at the light. I think it's affecting my visyon. Oeal jn elis mwidhs. Eahd lypws quiskc werlkd!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've heard that the worst day fishing is better than the best day working. I'm sure David would agree. I hope your pain doesn't disrupt your life too much.

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