Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Monday, November 24, 2014


Okay, David is home for the WHOLE fucking week. Yes. The company he works for closes down the office for a week during Thanksgiving and then again for Christmas. That means I'll be listening to crappy, campy science fiction movies on the Syfy Channel or Jerry Springer and then Maury. Just shoot me now. please! I guess I'll be hiding in the bedroom.

I could watch TV too, but during the day it's mostly crappy television. I spend my days cleaning or reading blogs. Most of the time if the weather is bad and I'm feeling awful I read blogs or search the web for cool stuff. If I can't type on my laptop because I'm flat on my back with the heating pad, I usually just earmark blogs for commenting later.

This past weekend was wet and really dark. We received 1.5 precious inches of much needed rain. It looked like we got more, but the rain gauge doesn't lie. Right now it's beautiful outside. Sunny and a cool 64 degrees. i have all the windows and doors open. Nice cool breeze blowing through the house. I wish it was nice like this all the time. My back feels good too, simply amazing day so far.

David is in the car port changing out the front shocks on his truck. Yes, Mr. Fixit is on the loose. I just have to keep him away from the plumbing jobs. He knows what to buy to replace stuff in plumbing and how to do the job, it's just he has a problem keeping things from leaking water all over the floor. The fun thing is I have to monitor what he does and keep certain phone numbers handy, just in case. I know when he is about to work on something. He starts researching whatever he is going to mess with on the web. It's like an all day search for items on the computer. So I look for the phone numbers of our handyman that will be able to either help or take over the job David is doing. It's all good.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad your back is feeling good today -- may it long continue! And how about headphones 'n music to drown out the TV? Or are there such things as headphones for TV? I agree that daytime TV is crapola.

Birdie said...

You need to get a Netflix account. Unless you already do. Hours and hours of marathon TV watching.

Pickleope said...

All week, huh? I wish you the best. I like that your handyman has multiple phone numbers that you need to find, like a regular line and a hotline for emergencies.

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