
Monday, February 16, 2015

Answers To Your Questions

I'm a bit late posting this morning because of the weather again. Yes, it's a bitch when it affects my joints. It's wet and getting cold again after almost two weeks of sunshine and warm days, but I'm not going to let it get me down. I have too much to do.

Last week Friday, I finally joined in with my friends and started a Q&A. I decided that on Fridays from now on I'm going to let my readers ask questions about me and put them in the comments section, then on Saturdays and/or Mondays I will answer the questions. 

Since this started last week Friday, today I will answer three questions posted by Debra , two will be combined in one answer.
Have you ever lived anywhere other than Texas? If you could live anywhere other than Texas, where would it be?

To begin with my dad was in the Army, so that made me an Army Brat. We traveled a lot, something like every three or four years when my dad would get orders. I have lived in Paris France, Germany, Hawaii, Panama Canal Zone, Virginia, Maryland, to name a few. I loved traveling and seeing different places and I wouldn't trade that part of my life for anything. 
As for living anywhere but Texas, it would be Seattle Washington. David and I have talked about moving there one day in the future. But for now we are happy here in Texas.

Black leather or lace?

I love lace, especially on corsets. I just love feminine lacy things and It's all so much sexier. 


  1. Oh, you've lived in such fabulous places! I bet you have some cool stories from your foreign abodes. And Seattle is a nice place but doesn't it rain there for like 355 days a year?

    Mmmm, corsets.

  2. Seattle rains more than here and that is a lot. I mean a LOT! It is cold and gray most days but summer can be nice. But if you did move there you would be close to me and then we could visit! :-)
