
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Long Post On Answers to Questions

Before I get to answering more of the questions from last week Friday, I thought I'd let y'all know that we dropped into the mid 30's this morning and I actually saw a snow flurry. Yes, just one!
It was amazing! I know! Right?!? I woke up this morning to a collective cheer from parents in the neighborhood when they heard the snowflake wasn't sticking and the schools were still open.

Okay, back to answering the questions from Friday. Debra asked a lot of questions and another was:

What kind of music is my favorite and who is my favorite singer or band.

My most favorite kind of music is Rock from the 70's and 80's. I think the best music came out from the time. My favorite band is Pink Floyd. They made music that played with your brain. In order to really enjoy PF's music, you must have a great set of Bose ( I am not promoting this product) headphones, not earbuds. Their music is timeless.

Birdie also asked a few questions.

How do you live with that right-wing stuff, and is it hard to find like-minded people.

Well, here in Texas we take the crazy right-wing with a grain of salt and we hope and pray that one day a Democrat will become governor SOON, REAL SOON! There is a buttload of like minded people that I know of, but we tend to keep to ourselves. People are "Crazy Christian" like here in my part of Texas so it's better not to say anything offensive. But if you're in Austin, the state capital, you are considered weird to begin with. Just check our past Texas Governors and Presidents. Actually Austin's motto is "Keep Austin Weird". Frankly, I think it's from the water in the aquifer up there. Who knows.

How did you meet your plaything/sexy beast/husband?

Oy!! That's a big question worthy of note. We met talked online three years before actually meeting each other. We were in a game room called Area 51, Ali Baba Slots on one Saturday evening. The Game room no longer exists because of fights that went on in the chat portion of the game, But before that a bunch of us made lasting deep friendships and a few marriages were broken up and begun in there.

David's online name was David1035 and mine was kitten926. He lived in Seguin (Sah-geen) and I lived in El Paso Texas at the time. I would come in before going on my night shift at the hospital and razz him about the San Antonio Spurs (pro basketball team) and he would razz me about the LA Lakers. It was fun at the time. We never talked about anything else. Most of the time, he would come in and watch the chat to see if  I was there. Most times, we would just chat about nothing in particular. This went on for almost three years.

One evening, while I was on vacation time off, a girlfriend from the "room", as we called Area 51, called me on my cell and said that I have to meet David. She told me that she was every so often having lunch on Sundays with him in Austin. And that all he ever talked about was,"Kitten said this, Kitten said that in chat the other day. He is forever talking about you." She told me that I have to meet him for real. Then she gave me his phone number and said call him.

So I did. we talked for days and weeks on end about anything. I was falling in love with his voice. Then one day I bought a video cam for my computer, you have to understand this was 2002. As soon as I got on video chat where he could see me, (he didn't have a vid cam) things got awkward. We were on the phone and he became quiet for a long time. Then he said he had to go run a few errands and do something. I was wondering if I scared him away. But less than thirty minutes later he called me on the phone and was on video chat with me. We could see each other and talk without having to type. It was cool at the time. (yes 2002) The stinker had gone to Walmart and bought a videocam so we could chat and see each other. 

One Tuesday afternoon, right before I was going to work, he called me on my cell and asked when I had a day off. I told him I was off this weekend, then we talked about stuff like what was going on in the chat room with our friends. I thought nothing of it. Friday morning it was raining and he called and asked if I would meet him. I was all dumbfounded. He was getting on a flight to El Paso to come and see me in person. He said he was going to be at such and such hotel, which I won't name, and to meet him there and we could talk when I got off work. 

Well, we met each other near the elevators, let's just say we didn't leave the room until Monday morning when he left for his flight home. He had proposed that Sunday night on that weekend and I said yes. He went back to Seguin but the following month he was back and we bought the wedding and engagement rings. Two months later in August he came back and kidnaped me with all my stuff and we drove back to Seguin together. 

We were married by a judge (old fishing buddy) at his best friends (from school and old fishing buddy) house. David's daughter was there with her future husband. David and I have been married for 12 years since September 7th, 2002. We're both Libras, so we do almost everything together. We still go out on dinner dates, to the movies, and sometimes we get away for a weekend at the coast with the kids (puppies). I found out later while reading his online Area 51 profile, that he had changed it to "Married to the most wonderful, beautiful lady. Fishing got pushed to third."


  1. Wow! What an EPIC love story! I just loved reading it and what a fab happy ending!

  2. We rarely get snow where I live and I am Canadian. In fact, we have not even seen a single flake this winter.

    I guess I should not believe all the stereotypes I have heard about Texas. I will continue to believe the ones I have heard about Alabama.

    Your story of how you met your husband is so sweet. I also met my husband online. The grief we got over that. We met on Plenty of Fish but 9 years ago it was not the sleazy site it is now.

  3. I could send you some snow if you like - I have about four feet in my front yard.
    the Ol'Buzzard
