
Monday, September 25, 2017

It's Monday

It's been a crazy weekend with plumbing problems. The kitchen sink has been leaking water all over the place. David tore into the project Saturday morning. He proceeded to turn the water off and take everything out from underneath the sink and dry it out with a fan this took 2 days. Then he put one of my huge cookie making plastic bowls under the 2 drains, yeah, that bowl is really humongous. and he poured water into the sinks. Bingo! The main sink on the left was leaking. It was the flange thingy that connected the drain to the pipe underneath. It was totally rotted away. David says he never had to replace it since the last time he repaired the sink when we got married. That was 15 years ago. He replaced it with PVC this time. I'm so proud of him. He's getting better at this plumbing thing. He only had to go to Home Desperate once. He got what he needed plus other nonessential things that caught his eye. He's like me when I go shopping, he buys shit that he "might" need for the future like I buy shoes. He brought home several different sized nail strips for his nail gun, almond colored grout when we already have 2 tubes of it, also plastic bins with lids. YES! We need more of those. We have 4 in the bedroom closet that I have no use for.  
When I finally got my kitchen back to normal. I cleaned. I mopped like a mad woman and cleaned the counters off with 15% bleach and water. I was going to clean everything and then my back gave out. Shit! I was hurting so bad that I had to lay on the heating pad for a good 2 hours. Yeah, my pain meds weren't kicking in like I wanted. I did eventually get dinner made. I just had to take little breaks in my cooking routine to be with my ice bag. Numbing the pain with the ice bag worked long enough to finish washing the dishes and clean up my kitchen. I retired to the bedroom and read my book the rest of the evening.
How long has it been since Tropical storm Harvey hit the Seguin area? Hmmmm. Something like say August 26th when it happened. Well, I lost one of my petunia planters on the front porch. It fell and it sustained a bit of damage. The poor petunias are limping along. I have them hanging in the courtyard right now. When Harvey hit us the wind kind of blew in such a way that it unscrewed the planter hanger and that's why it fell. After Harvey left us, 5 weeks ago, I asked David to put another planter hanger up for me. YES! That was 5 fucking weeks ago. He finally put a hanger up for me this weekend. What am I going to do with that man!


  1. Problems with houses just never end, do they? It's good that you have a handy husband.

  2. I bet David saved you both a shitload of money because of his plumbing skills -- enough to pay for the grout, plastic bins, etc. LOL

  3. You have a good hubby and you love him! You know you do!!
    Take care of your back young lady! Big Hugs!

  4. I worked at a home improvement store so I know how to fix my own I can do most of small repairs on my van too. and not a testicle or dick in sight
