
Tuesday, September 26, 2017

It's Tuesday

Yesterday I got a surprise in the mail. I helped by donating money to a Kickstart program for someone who was going to make a gag gift. The gag gift is a Troll doll of that White House asshole with a bad spray-on orange tan, naked of course with a teeny tiny weenie covered by the CLASSIFIED tape, teeny tiny hands, and a cell phone. It's so funny. David will love it for his birthday next month.

On that birthday note, David sent me a birthday card today.  It was a mariachi band of dogs with a chihuahua singing lead in Spanish about birthday celebrations and too much tequila. It was soooo cute! He also set me up with an Amazon gift card. I haven't gone in to check out the amount but I'll guess it's probably $50.

We have rain today. my favorite thing about autumn. It rains more in the autumn and winter than any other time of the year. The rain cools us down into the 80's. It's a little muggy but the cooler weather will hit soon I hope.


  1. I glean from this post that it is your birthday today, not just Tuesday . . . Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday!

    That troll doll is going to sell out. If he doesn't kill us all, it will be worth something one day.

  3. Happy Birthday. That doll really captures his likeness.

  4. I think my dad would like the troll doll, too.

  5. Happy Birthday. We may share a birthday. The doll is hilarious. Don't you love it when you surprise yourself with a birthday gift?

  6. That troll doll is hilarious! Happy Birthday Young Lady! Big Hugs!

  7. happiest of birthdays...and I looove that troll.
