
Monday, October 30, 2017

Monday and I Over Slept

We had two very cold mornings this weekend. This morning it was also cold in the low 40's but not as bad as the mid 30's of Saturday and Sunday. David forgot to bring in my hanging baskets for me. I thought the petunias were going to die but they survived the weekend cold. Amazing! I still intend to repot them this week. I wasn't able to do it earlier last week because I couldn't find the right sized pots. I found a butt load of them in the garden shed. I really need to clean that thing out.
David lit the furnace on Friday evening and the puppies had the mineral oil heater in the TV room which was warm and toasty for them. David and I had the main heater/furnace temperature setting on 64. We like it cold at night. Good reason to cuddle. Anywho, it's going to start heating up again into the 60's and 80's. Rain is also coming on Samhain. I was hoping for dry and cold so I could do my ritual outside but we got rain. Oh well, today I'll have to get David to help me carry the pineapple plants back outside because of the warm weather that is here now. Yes, two mornings of cold temperatures and then all this summer weather again.


  1. ha! people kept their coats on here at dinner yesterday. i keep my heat set at 52 all winter. i hate a hot house. i am so energized when i am cold!

  2. You set it at 64!?! I like a bit of chill at night to sleep too, but yikes, that's downright frigid. Wait, I just read Jaz's comment. Am I in the minority wanting the house in the 70's whether it be Summer or Winter? Are you all secretly Canadian?

  3. lucky for me the apts here are very well insulated's been no lower than 74 in apt since it got cooler..but it will get cool then get back to the 80' that helps..
