
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Out For The Day

Sorry, but I had a bad night. We have a front coming through and it's bringing rain. I'm in a lot of pain so I'm going to spend the day in bed on the heating pad. Tomorrow is Wet Cat Wednesday the Halloween edition.


  1. A blessed Samhain to you, my dear, and feel better soon.

  2. Just wanted to wish a Blessed Samhain! Hoping your pain can ease enough so that you can enjoy the night! Will you be watching a classic zombie movie tonight?

    Jan at Rosemary Cottage

  3. Feel better. Better enough to do a Halloween jig.

  4. Blessed be my sweet Leanna! I am so sorry you are in pain! My heart aches for you. You will get better, you will be free of this! And always remember I love you!!

  5. will give the goddess something shiny for you..sorry you are feeling bad..I was the same way over the weekend..had to cut a Great granddaughter visit short cause I was in so much pain.

  6. I am so sorry!! Please take care! A blessed Samhain! Big Hugs!
