Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Monday, October 16, 2017

Short Post

We had a cold front come through yesterday. Although it was quite painful for me I absolutely loved it. Today is pretty and very cool. it was 54 degrees at 6:30 this morning. it will only be in the mid 70's today. I'm hoping it stays this way.
We had a lovely weekend until the dryer quit. I was doing the last load and it just up and died on me. When  I went to check on the load in the dryer, I noticed it hadn't finished its cycle. So I turned it back on and heard a crackling sound coming from the dryer plug on the wall. David checked it out. Heard the same noise and went to the fuse box and turned the electricity to the plug off. He unplugged the dryer and took out the wall socket and found the connections were all charred. I was remembering that I smelled something electrical burning all week but I couldn't find where it was coming from. Found out this was the reason. Now we have to find the cause. So David called an electrician to come out and see if they can find the cause and replace the wires. David also did one thing I don't think he needed to do and that was buy a new dryer. He said better safe than sorry. He just replaced that dryer I believe last winter. Anywho, we will see what happens when the guy gets here.


BBC said...

Most likely just loose connections in the plug box. That is usually what it is, when they loosen it makes the wires hot. If there was an actual short somewhere it would have tripped the breaker.

Ol'Buzzard said...

BBC could be right; but overheating wires can cause a house fire. Replacing the dryer is not a bad idea; but I would also replace the drier plug.
the Ol'Buzzard

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm glad your house didn't burn down, girl! That's dangerous!

Pickleope said...

That cold front is nice. As someone who's work building doesn't have working a/c, I've been desperately waiting for Autumn weather.
Buying a whole new dryer seems like a rash decision. I'll take your one-year-old one if you're just going to toss it.

yellowdoggranny said... glad the house is still standing..
loving this cool weather.

Magic Love Crow said...

I am so happy there was no fire!! That is so dangerous! Please take care!

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