Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Tuesday, Give me Strength

I need to rescue my lemon and pineapple plants this week. I have the pots and soil, I just don't have the energy. I have a total of five lemon plantlets and three pineapple plants that need to go into larger pots for the coming winter. I'll be letting them sit in the extra room off from the kitchen in front of the windows with the grow lights on them when it's overcast. I have until Friday to repot them and bring them in before they die in the cold on Saturday. I also have to repot my trailing petunias into their winter pots. They have lasted much longer than I thought they would. They have overgrown their hanging baskets. I'm going to propagate them so in the spring, I'll be looking to buy more baskets. 

It's supposed to get down into the 30's and 40's starting this weekend. We had a front slide through here early this morning. Yeah, I felt that bugger coming. It kept me up most of the night. Right now the temperature is warmer than it was yesterday morning. The weather guy called it a cold front. Really? A cold front? We will have a real cold front arriving on Saturday and the temperatures will fall into the mid 30's and 40's. Now that's a fucking cold front. David said he's going to light the furnace tonight. I said wait until Friday. I'm hoping we have nothing but colder weather from this weekend until spring. I've already taken my all my summer clothes and exchanged them for my cooler winter clothes. So, it has to stay cold.
David and I watched John Wick 2 this past weekend on HBO. It was a better sequel to the first movie than I thought it would be. If you haven't seen it yet, I'll keep quiet about it. All I will say is that the ending leaves it open for a John Wick 3 to be made. If there is a third installment in the John Wick series then the third one will most likely be the last. Also, the pit bull he rescued in the first movie is in the second. He's a cutie too. I love pits. If you raise them right they are the sweetest lovable fur babies there are. 


anne marie in philly said...

DAYUM! that be cold! git those plants in now!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm a Keanu Reeves fan, but I haven't seen either John Wick movie yet. Some day!

Birdie said...

I brought a plant underneath the covered part of our deck in case it freezes. I don’t mind the cold, it’s the long dark days. meh

Harry Hamid said...

I love cooler weather. I live in Houston and I like cool weather. Because I can't allow myself happiness.

Anyway, if it cools down here (and they say it will), then I can start leaving my windows open for a few days!

I'm so excited.

Pickleope said...

I side with David, light that furnace! Who knows, if there's something wrong with it, better to find out now than when it dips into the 30's. Good luck with the chilly weather and transplanting all of the plants. Can you believe, after watching John Wick 2, that Keanu Reeves is 53 years old? He might have been mummified and what we're seeing is a Weekend at Bernie's situation where people are just using his mummified carcass as a marionette.

Magic Love Crow said...

Thanks for the review on the movie! I love John Wick! Hope it gets nice and cool for you soon! Big Hugs!

yellowdoggranny said... preparation for the cooler weather I got the flannel sheets and blankets out..can't wait..and loved both the john wick movies.

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