
Friday, May 11, 2018

Devotion and Homicide and Other Stuff

Yesterday, Carol Pavlik, one of my readers, commented that,
"Marriage is a balance between devotion and homicide."
So true. Yes, my devotion in figuring out how to kill David without leaving clues or witnesses. But it can't be too hard. I've seen enough Dexter videos to give me an idea how to do it. It's just the timing of when. But enough daydreaming for me here.
I just got back from having all those vials drawn from me. If I were to have Dracula bite me right now he would say I'm a pint low. They drew only 14 vials. I thought it would be more but they doubled up on a few of the tests. 
Right now, I'm lying on the sofa with my knee on a pillow and nurse Lucy sleeping by my foot. She's sleeping on the job and I won't wake her up because she follows me everywhere. The pain in my leg is subsiding a little bit. Walking with the brace helps. When I sit, my leg feels tired. I guess it's from lugging this monstrosity of a brace when I walk. But I'm grateful because now I can walk without the worry of my knee bending the wrong way. No more falling for me.
Well, this is enough sitting for a while I have to do some laundry and go get the mail. Y'all have a magical day.


  1. glad to hear your leg is feeling better.

    just had an ultrasound on both my legs today. results next week.

  2. I bet your body is working overtime right now making all those new blood cells!

  3. I'm glad you're getting lots of rest and nurse Lucy is doing her job :D
    I was a little homicidal last night, which is very rare as we normally get along sooo well. I'm afraid my poor man got his ear chewed a bit though. He's been very sweet today, haha :D
    I'll be posting more soap experiments soon, but for now I need to rest as I've overdone it again!!!
