
Thursday, May 10, 2018

Recap- David will have to die

I'm back home again. I have my brace on my leg and it's set so I cant hyperextend my leg when I walk. It will take some time to get used to it. The doctor took almost an hour to get it right but thank the Goddess it's mine and I'm finished. Now I have to wear this thing for about 8 weeks and hope the tendons and ligaments heal. 
David was being a real shithead when we were walking in the parking lot from the car to the doctor's office this morning. He was warning me of rocks, pebbles and little pieces of leaves and twigs so I don't slip or trip on them as I walked to the entrance. I could have killed him. He can be such an old shit bag. Now he calls me Hop-along. I'm going to have to make it look like an accident with no witnesses. 


  1. Marriage is a balance between devotion and homicide. So your needle is swinging to one side with just cause.

  2. Don't take off that brace to club him with it! Let your leg heal first.

  3. Don't take your brace off to club him with it -- let your leg heal first!

  4. That was so funny, I had to say it twice.

  5. don't kill david; you need him to help you around the house.

  6. Oh poor you, Leeanna, I hope you're not in too much pain! You really made me laugh with that post though and I love carole's comment that marriage is a balance between devotion and homicide. I know the feeling well, thankfully not often :D x

  7. Crossing fingers it all works out! David loves you! So cute! LOL!
