
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

It's Tuesday - It's Hot Dammit!!

Y'all, I'm having a bad day today so bear with me. I'm feeling a disturbance in the farce. Yes, hurricane season is upon us again and there is something that is brewing in the Gulf that I've been feeling since Saturday. It's stupid but my back is really feeling it. I'll be taking it slow for the next few days.
The weather here has been hot as it usually is for June. We did get a minutes worth of rain on Saturday and that is all so far. But starting tomorrow, the forecast says that there's a 30% chance of rain for every single day until next week. BWAAAHAHAHAHAAAA*snort*HAHAHAHAHAHAAA!
Yeah, right. Anywho, it's been in the 90's we only hit 100's for a few days. We got lucky. But hey, it's only the middle of June. The weather could go either way.
Because of the heat, David and I have been eating salads for dinner. I hate eating heavy hot food during summer so it's salad time again. tonight we are having Frito salad without the Fritos. I love this salad. You cut up iceberg lettuce into bite-sized pieces, dice up a tomato or two, dice a couple of pickle-sized cucumbers. Now I like the dill pickle-sized cucumbers for my salads. They're small enough for one salad for one person, plus they have very few seeds. Back to the salad prep. Open a can of pinto beans rinse and let drain then put into the salad. Before you serve the salad let it chill in the fridge for 30 minutes. When ready toss the salad lightly and serve with French or Catalina dressing. If you want the Fritos in the salad, add them and toss right before serving. You are supposed to toss the salad with the dressing but I like to give my salad eaters a choice. Note* do not re-refrigerate and serve as leftovers. The salad will wilt after an hour so plan the salad in serving sizes so there is no waste.


  1. I don't like to eat heavy food in the heat either. baked fish or fruit salad suit me fine. and it really has not gotten super-duper hot up here...yet. yet being the operative word. july & august suck.

  2. I’m at home today with my back. Over did it over the weekend. The salad sounds good. Hope you feel better

  3. Man, that would be way too hot for me. Love the memes though! It's cool and rainy here today -- wearing long pants and a jacket.

  4. We keep dropping to 32 (0 Celsius) at night so I'm worried about frost killing everything. We'll send some cool air down and you send some heat up, well unless your president has a problem with that trade to. Lol

  5. We have just moved into summer here in Maine. The next two weeks are predicted for mid to high eighties - which is hot here. Hot spells don't last more than a week or so before we get a cool off, so we don't bother with air conditioning.
    I was raised in the Mississippi Delta with summer temps around 100 - this is why we live in Maine.
    take care and stay cool
    the Ol'Buzzard

  6. We need some rain here! I feel for you! Try to stay cool!
    Thanks for the recipe! big Hugs!
