
Monday, June 11, 2018

Weekend Shit and Thangs

Over the weekend David walked carefully around the outside of the house taking note of where there were wasp nests being built. He found the little bastards have been busy. Five nests were found with one big one on the outside of the front porch. When we have these nasty shit balls flying around and making a nest, you just can't deal with them in a normal manner. You have to get scientific. So, David went to Home Desperate, his scientific toy box and found among other toys, a very good wasp spray that you can spray from several feet away. Once the wasp spray hits its target it foams up and covers the nest instantly. He said the wasps didn't have time to come after him. That was good because David and I got stung quite a bit last year. Anywho, we have a long summer to contend with those little flying fuckers. 
Spunky and a blanket nest
I washed the puppy blankets and folded them up and stored them away for autumn. Lucy was so upset about that. She loves making a nest with them and Spunky loves hiding under them. But it's getting much too hot now for any blankets. David took the puppies and gave them a bath Sunday. Afterward, Lucy kept giving David nasty looks. She wouldn't even go near him. She told me he tried to drown them with the hose but I wasn't buying it. They needed their bath. They were two very stinky puppies and just like little three-year-old children they had their dinner after their bath and curled up with each other on their huge pillow bed and fell fast asleep. David and I actually had the whole evening together. It was so nice. 


  1. wasps are nasty little fuckers indeed. YAYZ for sweet-smelling puppies! hope your healing continues.

  2. Oh yes, My Rare One has used that long-distance wasp spray and it DOES do the trick! Always best to catch the nests when they're still small, though.

  3. Wasp and hornet spray is as necessary as bug repellent here in Maine - the foaming kind is best
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. I wonder what you had to do on a previous life to come back as a wasp?

  5. If any body is going to get stung it will be me.

  6. Wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, all scary! I have used that spray and it's good!
    I love your puppies!
    Big Hugs!
