
Monday, July 9, 2018

It's Monday - Peace and Quiet Again

Absolute quiet. Yes. Quiet. All I can hear is the occasional car passing by. David is at work so that means the TV is off. The puppies are taking their mid-morning nap. I can actually hear the kitchen clock ticking from the living room. I have the AC on 80 this morning so that means it bearly turns on at all. So I'm just sitting here enjoying this quiet time.
David accused me of money laundering yesterday. I was washing his jeans and when I went to pull them all out of the washer to the dryer there were several dollar bills in there. Usually, he empties his pockets so I don't bother doing it. I found $4 this time and I wanted to keep it but gave it back. I felt sorry for him being so poor.
Spunky and his soccer ball
Contrary to what I said a while back about our weather, we didn't get any rain over the weekend and don't expect any more for a long while. Although I did take advantage of the 80-degree temperatures. It was a beautiful weekend. The puppies enjoyed it too because they were able to stay outside and have some fun. I lowered the tetherball from the tree and let them play with it. Well, Lucy played while Spunky wandered around and barked. They were quite tired after their time outside. I just wish autumn would get here sooner so they could stay out most of the day with me and enjoy the fresh air.


  1. Didn’t Tammy Faye Baker have an air conditioned dog house?

  2. I was wondering if David was still walking on 2 or if you had whapped him a few.

    money left on the counter overnight or found in the wash becomes my property
    because I've told him over and over to pick up his mess and don't leave anything on the counter

    I have a basket I keep all confiscated funds in. When the basket gets full.......I'm buying me something nice :)

    that marriage symbol works for me !!!

  3. @birdie - yes she did. shameless grifter!

    I enjoy a quiet house too when spouse goes to work. he makes more noise than a room full of kindergarteners!

  4. You find the best memes -- that first one made me LOL! And then I stole it.

  5. i am so over this weather! i can't wait for my puppies to be able to be out in cool weather. it looks like it is a long way off though. damn!

  6. I can't wait for Autumn! Glad everything was quiet! I got a good laugh about the money laundering! LOL! Big Hugs!

  7. it's so hot and we need rain so bad..sigh*

  8. I am waiting for summer to pass - my least favorite season.
    the Ol'Buzzard
