
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

It's Tuesday

I just got back from the hospital. I had to get x-rays of my knee before I go to see my ortho surgeon tomorrow afternoon. Since I didn't have an appointment I had to wait a long long time. I was there for almost 2 hours. I'm hoping I don't have to have this knee replaced. When I took that flying slip in the kitchen in April something popped and I have a sinking feeling it was mechanical in nature. My knee keeps bending and locking in a backward bend if I straighten my leg without my brace. Also, I have trouble walking sometimes. Yes, there is also pain now and then.
OY!!! We got rain yesterday. Yes! Not more than 20 minutes after posting it started rolling into our area and that fucker rained down on us. It lasted 2 whole hours but it was a fandamtastic soaker. I opened the doors to let in the freshness of it. Lucy hid the whole time because she thinks with rain comes the thunder but the rain was so wonderful that all the kids in the neighborhood were dancing and playing in it. You could hear their laughter. I didn't mind the pain for once. I sat outside and watched them play. I believe that is all the rain we will be getting for a long while. It's summer and it's part of our dry season.


  1. Glad you had fun in the rain! Good luck tomorrow at the ortho surgeons!

  2. We got a really good rain on Saturday. More like a flood, so much the hubby said okay stop now.

    Sorry it took so long for you to get your x-rays. Good luck at your ortho.

    I'm afraid to go for my left knee and right ankle. I could just see them wanting to do something to both of them at the same time.......... They wouldn't care if I couldn't get around.

  3. It’s the opposite here. It’s not raining. Hooray!

  4. What is "rain"? I think I remember that stuff, it's water that falls from the sky right? Maybe it's just a myth like the old timers around here say grass used to be green, not brown and crunchy like it is now.

  5. i loved playing in the rain when i was a kid. we had so much rain this spring and now we are dry as a bone with no rain in sight. feast or famine!

  6. I'm so sorry about your knee!
    Very happy about the rain!! We need rain badly! Never had not rain like this before!
    Big Hugs!

  7. I'm at the point now if we don't get some rain I'll have to resort to a good ole pagan nekkid rain dance..
