
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Checking In

Just to let all y'all know, I'm still here, just not here. Whatever. Anywho, I'm still convalescing vegging out on the sofa every day or doing my exercises and walking around bored out of my goard. I've been walking around without my cane for a while now. I still have a little pain from walking too long on the treadmill. Sometimes if I stand too long while making dinner I will feel it really bad but that's part of my life and I'll take it as such. I'm not on my pain killers as much as I used to be. I've toned my drugs down. So now I'm just on the diclophenic. 
Lucy has taken to sleeping all day long when I'm busy. She is happy when I'm home so she feels she can let her guard down and nap and play tease poor ol' Spunky like she used to do. 
Well, I'm going to go walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes this time. I keep adding on time by 2 minute incrimates so I take it slow and steady. I'm hoping to go back to blogging this Sunday. Y'all have a magical day.


  1. Glad you seem to be doing pretty good. Take care

  2. I am glad to hear you are resting. It won’t be much longer now then you will be off and running.

  3. So great that you're doing well! And I love that countdown clock you've added to the top of your blog, lol!

  4. So happy you are doing well! Keep it up! Big Hugs!
