
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Post Doctor Appointment

Well, I just got back home after my orthopedic surgeon appointment. The doctor took out my staples and I see him again in three weeks for an x-ray and to see how I'm progressing. He was impressed as I thought he would be when I was walking without the walker. David was bitching the whole drive over to the doctor's office that I was going to catch hell for not having the walker but I didn't. The doctor said he was impressed that I was walking almost without the cane. I told him that sometimes I don't even use the cane except for when my leg starts to hurt. So, I'm doing good.
When I was getting ready for my appointment, Lucy started to worry. Some dogs have that worried face and Lucy has it down pat. She was so upset that she followed me everywhere this morning as I was getting ready. She layed on the bath mat while I was in the shower, she sat on my feet while I was dressing and the whole time she was whining. She was so worried that if I leave the house I won't be coming back. She really was upset while I was in the hospital. That poor baby. When she saw I was back home after the doctor's appointment, she nearly died from happiness. Really, she was dancing all over that place turning pirouettes and jumping in the air. Now she is laying next to me sleeping. She is such a happy little puppy because her mommy is back home.


  1. FABULOUS! you will be disco dancing next week!

    1. Actually, table dancing got me into this predicament. Absolutely no dancing of any kind from here on in.

    2. Glad you have good news from the doctor. Just like Dave says, don't over do. Healing processes take a while.
      Sending good wishes from my witch wife and me.
      the Ol'Buzzard

  2. Awwww, big hugs to Lucy and you!!! So happy everything is going well!

  3. Did David tell Lucy that you ran away and never coming back?

    1. Hey y'all, this is my brother Rick. He also goes by the name of ZombieWolf.

  4. good news my friend..good long as someone feeds him, Dexter doesn't care if I come or go.

    1. All cats are self centered, it's all about me, full of themselves and have an I don't give a rats ass attitude. OMG! I just identified Agent Orange as a cat! ewwwww!

  5. Good news! Glad for you and Lucy!
