
Monday, September 3, 2018


It's Monday, finally. David is off today like most everyone else. Happy Dance. It's September.  The start of the autumn season. Ah, September, where I can let my leg hair grow out again just to keep my legs warm for the winter months. Yes, and I know many of all y'all ladies do the same. I celebrate my birthday this month and also our wedding anniversary. Next month will be even more busy with more birthdays and Halloween. Oh, happy happy joy joy.
So! How y'all been? I was going stark raving crazy this past week. I think I called my brother three times in one week. He might be tired of my ass by now. I tried to keep up with the blogs and news. So much shit happened. I'm just getting around with my brace on during the day and I have my cane in the hallway just in case I fall but I don't see that happening. I also have a brace for sleeping since I'm a tosser. I don't want the knee pulling apart in my sleep. What I mean is my knee moving and the mechanism pulling from my bones in the leg.
David bought ol' lady slippers for me. They are like the ones in the picture above but they're pink. I think I wore them for all of three minutes until I got tired of tripping on flat surfaces. I was getting the toe part caught under the edges of the area rugs. I didn't like the idea of falling again so I took them off and threw them into the dark corner of the closet. They will stay there and think about what they tried to do to me and why I won't let them out again.
So, David went back to Walmart and got me a pair my favorite Isotoner satin ballerina slippers. I practically live in those things. My old pair were so ratty from wearing them everyday for two years. So comfy though.
We got a teensy bit of rain this morning and my back is all strung out for some reason. I didn't sleep a wink last night because of the pain. I can't seem to get comfortable except when I lay down. So I'm cutting this bitch loose and going to go relax a bit.
All y'all have a great day.


  1. "Yes, and I know many of all y'all ladies do the same." - mine quit growing after menopause hit.

    "I celebrate my birthday this month and also our wedding anniversary." - my birthday is this thursday; the wedding anniversary is next month.

    keep on healing; you'll be up dancing by 1/1/19!

  2. Love that first meme! And yes, an enclosed slipper minimizes tripping hazards and besides, those ballerina ones are cute!

  3. In healthcare, we don’t let people wear those types of slippers. They are tripping hazards.

  4. We were outside most of the day yesterday and the Tropical Depression made it feel like fall. It was a good day to get a lot of stuff done.

    Congrats on y'all's anniversary.

    I hope your pain is better now. Those dang slippers......burn em for trying to hurt you.

  5. Happy September! My birthday is this month too! I'm glad you aren't wearing open toe slippers! I don't want you falling! Please take care of yourself! Big Hugs!
